Audit of your website for compliance with UK GDPR law, including the latest ICO guidelines on cookies

New rules and ICO guidelines – 2024!

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Audit of your website - compliance with new rules 2024

Is this service right for me?

Customer 1

I run my business in the UK

Customer 2

I have a shop on Shopify for UK customers
SERVICE choosing
WEB - AUDIT - checking whether my website meets the requirements of the new rules 2024


This service is suitable for:

As part of this service, we will evaluate legal documents on your website:

  • Privacy policy
  • Cookies policy
  • Correctness of privacy information under contact forms
  • Legality of the content of consent to marketing content
  • Content and form of the cookie banner.

Within a maximum of 48 hours from the moment you send us the address of your website and make payment for the “Web-Audit” service, you will receive a “Post-Audit Report” sent to your email address.


In the report you will receive information about legality or non-compliance. If a discrepancy is found, you will also find the listed elements that are specifically missing from the document/record.

We will only assess the scope of content that is strictly required by law, and not information that could be included in the documents but is not mandatory.

In case of discrepancies, you can use other services with a 15% discount.

As part of this service you will not receive:

  • Information on how to supplement the researched content with legal provisions,
  • Privacy Policy created especially for you
  • Suggestions for other provisions necessary on your website
  • Free post-audit consultation.

Audit – Report Example:

Website examined:


Privacy policy:

  • no information about processing time
  • does not contain information about the legal basis
  • does not contain information about DPO

Cookies policy:

  • full compliance

Information on data protection under the contact form:

  • not linked Privacy Policy

Content of consent to marketing content in the newsletter:

  • no newsletter on the website

Cookies banner:

  • no “Reject All” option

You can purchase this service online or by contacting us by email or phone.

To make a purchase write us an email telling us about your website that you want to check. If there are no documents on your website (Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy) or the cookie banner is not displayed, we will ask you to send us this content by e-mail.

From the moment we received everything (website or documents content and payment), a 48-hour period will start to run, within which you will receive the report.

If you are not sure whether this service is for you, read the extensive article on our BLOG.




your website checking

The largest websites in the UK have been given time to implement the changes until December 2023 - other websites must adapt in 2024!

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