Do not forget to update your ICO registrations.

Your registration with the ICO – Information Commissioner’s Office – is valid for 1 year.

Before this period expires, remember to: pay the Data Protection License fee for the next year or deregister your organization/company from the ICO register.

If you do not do this, you may be fined.

We wrote about the obligation to register in the ICO and pay the Data Protection Fee in the article: “Obligation to have a Data Protection License in the UK”

So I assume that you know that certain types of activities are subject to the obligation to have a Data Protection License, regardless of the scale of the business, and this obligation will apply to other types of companies or organizations – depending on the amount and type of data processed by the company. Of course, you can always register in the ICO and pay the Data Protection License on a voluntary basis, even if this obligation does not apply to you yet, for example to additionally show your customers how reliable your company/organization is when it comes to protecting their data.

It is very important that you remember to pay the next year’s fee or inform the ICO of a change in circumstances regarding the processing of personal data by your company before the closing date of your registration.

What happens if you forget about it?

Your registration as a data controller under the Data Protection Act will expire on the last calendar day for which it was purchased.

You will then receive an email with information about this and a request to renew your registration obligation within 14 days – by paying the Data Protection license fee or to notify the ICO about deregistering your organization from the register.

If you do not react or miss this message in your mailbox, you may be subject to a financial penalty (e.g. for an annual Tier 1 license – i.e. £40 – the maximum penalty is: GBP 4,350).

Registration Number and Security Number

When you first register in the ICO, you will receive your company’s ICO registration number and security number.

Remember to keep both of these numbers for future reference.

Your ICO number – you will certainly disclose it in the Privacy Policy on your website and other company documents.

However, you will need your “security number” every time you want to contact the ICO, either on the website via the update tab – used to change your data, or by e-mail to deregister or for any other matter.

If you are the owner of a website or a mobile application and want to create a Privacy Policy that will comply with the law – our website: “Online Business” may be useful.

If you are the owner of a website or mobile application and you are not sure whether the Privacy Policy published by you is lawful – our service: “UK GDPR Consultation” may be useful.

The content of the Privacy Policy on the website is the responsibility of the website administrator
- not the creator of privacy policies available online or the IT specialist!

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